爱情电影网快播 SFC Markets and Finance | Andrei Popov: Guangdong’s economy did an outstanding performance


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    爱情电影网快播 SFC Markets and Finance | Andrei Popov: Guangdong’s economy did an outstanding performance
    发布日期:2025-01-15 18:30    点击次数:171

    爱情电影网快播 SFC Markets and Finance | Andrei Popov: Guangdong’s economy did an outstanding performance

    (原标题:SFC Markets and Finance | Andrei Popov: Guangdong’s economy did an outstanding performance)爱情电影网快播爱情电影网快播

    南边财经全媒体记者杨雨莱 施诗 广州报说念


    On January 15, Guangdong has officially entered the "Two Sessions" period.

    “The economic and financial performance of the Guangdong Province in 2024 is self-speaking.” Andrei Popov, the Consul General of the Republic of Belarus in Guangzhou expressed to the SFC journalist that Guangdong’s economy did an outstanding performance. He specifically mentioned the infrastructural breakthroughs, for instance, the Shenzhen–Zhongshan Link greatly contributed to the connectivity. 

    At the same time, he paid attention to Guangdong companies. He considered them active supporters and participants of the China Flagship Overseas Industrial Park爱情电影网快播, Great Stone Industrial Park based in Belarus.

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